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Syren's Angel (The Syren Series Book 1) Page 5
Syren's Angel (The Syren Series Book 1) Read online
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Who does this guy think he is?
Does he really think he can have one conversation with me, send me flower’s and I will bloody drop my knicker’s for him?
I don’t think so...
I never dreamed about success.
I worked for it.
Chapter 11
I’m trembling with anger, my jaw is so tight I swear I’m going to break some teeth.
I have no idea why I’m so pissed off, angry, whatever you want to call it either way I have no right to be. But seeing Allie in that dude’s arm’s and practically dry humping him make’s me want to break his arm’s so he can’t touch her ever again.
Me and the guy’s were only supposed to drop by to see how they were getting along... I was not expecting to walk in and see that and feel the way I do about it. I've never felt like this before, it's like I feel possessive over her.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Shaking all my thought’s away I’m introduced to the other three dancer’s that I wasn’t bothered about at the audition’s, the slimeball who had his hand’s all over Allie introduce’s himself as Kyle and he seem’s like a nice guy I just don’t like him because he was touching what’s supposed to be mine.
Whoa.... where the fuck did that come from?
Allie isn't mine.
I need to stop thinking shit like that. I made a promise to myself that I won’t touch her and make her another mark on my bed post and I won’t.
Yeah Blackwood you keep telling yourself that!
Next I’m introduced to Luke the other male dancer and Sophie the other female dancer whilst Allie is in conversation with Liam and Max.
“Yo Allie.” Kyle shout’s over to her “Come say hi to Connor and Johnny.”
“Coming.” She blow’s out on a breath and instantly my mind is in the gutter thinking what she would look like if she was coming whilst I’m fucking her brain’s out all over my apartment.
Jesus this has got to stop...
“Hello.” She say’s with a gritted smile and some serious glaring is thrown my way and straight away I can tell she’s pissed.
“Allie girl.” Johnny say’s sounding far to enthusiastic for my liking and pulling her in for a hug... the twat is doing it on purpose to get a rise out of me, well he’s not going to get one. Not yet at least I’ll wait till we leave then he’s going to pay for his little stunt the fucker.
He even has the bloody cheek to smile at me over her shoulder.
Pulling from Johnny’s impromtu hug she turn’s and acknowledge’s me with a curt nod followed by a stern “Connor”... she’s definitely pissed at me and then it hit’s me why. The flower’s I sent her maybe she didn’t like them? No that can’t be it all women like flowers and then I remember what I wrote in the card and I laugh to myself as the penny drop's. Allie's offended by my message, I should apologize for it but I'm not. If that little comment has rattled her cage I wonder what else could.
This could be fun.
“Allie.” I smile at her.
“How’s it all going?” I ask just to see if she answer’s me.
“Fine!” It's all she give’s me. God she really is pissed at me. Is she that much of a prude, it was one cheesy little lie. This is gonna be so much fun winding her up.
After about twenty minute’s of idle chit chat, to which I haven’t really been paying attention to. I come to the conclusion that Allie doesn't know how take a compliment, and she mustn't have had a lot of guy friends if she's so easy to offend.
She doesn't know what's coming to her.
After being dismissed for the day I watch her walk over to a bench in the corner of the room and start putting her stuff into her bag and I spy my opportunity to get her alone.
Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you.
Chapter 12
I’m pissed as hell at him, he has the nerve to stand there and give me that gorgeous smile of his as if there’s nothing wrong.
I can feel him behind me before he even speak’s his presence is unnerving and it’s not good for my raging hormone’s I'm so angry. Which I’m currently taking out on my bag and my thing’s. I’m just throwing them in whichever way and with a force I didn't even know I possessed.
“ Allie....” He trails off I don’t have to turn around to be able to tell he’s worried about talking to me after I’ve made my current mood toward’s him very clear when he first arrived with the band.
Deciding I’m going have to talk to the douchebag eventually now that he’s my boss well sort off anyway, I turn on my feet with my hand’s on my hip’s and throw him my best death glare and spit out a sarcastic.
“Yes boss... what can I do for you?”
Way to go Allie... be a bitch and get the sack before you even start why don’t you.
Ignoring my sarcasm he step’s forward so we’re only a few feet away from each other and I can smell his unique man smell of fresh water and clean soap and that alone make’s me want to rip his clothes off and do the dirty with him.
Pull it together for the love of god Allie.
“Look Allie I came over because I wanted to talk to you... alone so please could you just give me five minute’s of your time I know your angry at me and I think I know why so please let me drive you home and we can resolve our issue?”
Resolve our issue? Did he just say that... yes I think he did the arrogant bastard... if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have an issue to resolve and I’m going to make sure he bloody know’s it.
Not answering him straight away I pick my bag up throw it on my shoulder and begin to walk away leaving him standing there wondering what I’m doing. As I’m nearing the door I throw over my shoulder...
“You have four minutes fifty nine seconds Blackwood so you better start talking.”
For a split second I see shock written all over his face but it's soon replaced by a half sided grin. I think my knickers are wet, god when he does that he's even hotter.
He start’s to head toward’s the door...toward’s me, when it hit’s me I’m agreeing to being alone... in a car.... with Connor Blackwood a well known man whore. It’s official I’ve lost my marble’s and going crazy, I mean I must be off my rocker if I’m agreeing to this what has gotten into me.
Remember Allie your angry at him and he’s your boss.
Standing outside on the pavement waiting for him to come through the door I take a deep breath and look around the busy London street at the normal people who are just finishing work or maybe meeting friend’s and don’t have a self assured arrogant cocky asehole wanting to talk to them and I find myself wishing I was them right now, no complications and certainly no Connor Blackwood to think about.
“You ready?” He ask’s carefully just in case I’ve changed my mind.
Lifting my chin to look up at him I smile “Show me the way boss.” With a hand gesture up and down the pavement we're standing on.
Shaking his head at my obvious sarcasm but choosing not to say anything about it he just put’s his large man hand on the small of my back and lead’s me down the street.
“We’re just up here.” He say’s pointing to what I can only describe as a beauty of a car. I may be a girl who love’s dancing but I watch Top Gear I know what I'm currently looking at and what I’m about to be driven home in and I bet he’s not expecting my next comment...
“Oh wow... a Maserati GranCabrio, Horsepower 331 to 338kW goes from 0-100 mph in 5.2 seconds and has an engine of 4.7 litres with a starting price of £97.795”
With his jaw hitting the floor clearly surprised that I actually know what I’m not talking about and not just some dumb blonde he finally clear’s his throat.
“Errmm yeah it is, she’s my baby.” He say’s staring down at me with a look on his face that say’s he can’t actually believe he’s having this conversation with me. Ha I'm not as stupid as he thinks I am.
He walk’s round to the passenger side and opens the door for me.
Well I didn’t expect him to be such a gentleman.
Lowering myself into the soft leather seat and placing my bag between my feet he shut’s the door and stride’s around to the driver’s side, once he’s situated in his seat with his belt on he start’s the engine which rumble’s to life, the vibration travelling all over my body or it could be the fact I'm only inches away from a walking sex god!!!
"Shit me.. That sounds hot!" I say out loud.
"Yeah she's a beaut, I love It when she comes to life!" I catch a glimpse at him from the corner of my eye and notice he's looking at me. I swear to God I blush that much I'm the same shade of red as his leather bucket seats.
"Do you wanna know how fast she like's to be driven?" I know what he's getting at I can tell by the way he said it... I now know why he wanted me on my own.... well two can play his game.
"Oww please... a car like this needs to driven well.... she was made to be driven hard and fast. Show me what she's made of." I say trying to sound as seductive as possible, I think I pull it off because when I look at Connor he doesn't know what do with himself. Ha, wasn’t expecting that now were you Connie boy.
He pull’s out on to the busy London street, he hasn’t said a word to me. Now I'm starting to feel awkward the silence is killing me. We stop at some traffic lights and I know I’m going have to be the one to break this silence so I think of the only thing I can to say to him.
“Your five minute’s are ticking away and you haven’t said two word’s to me yet.”
Shaking his head and with a smile on his face one that doesn’t quite say he’s happy with my comment but he’s glad I broke the silence he take’s a deep breath and reply’s-
“I have no idea what I’m doing Allie, apologizing isn’t something I normally do especially to women...” He trail’s of and before I can react to what he’s just said he continue’s “But for some reason... one I can’t get my head around I feel I need to apologize to you, and I’am Allie, I'm sorry if the message on the flower’s insinuated that I think you are an easy lay. That’s not what I wanted you to think."
The shock of what he just said to me must be written all over my face because he chuckles and carry’s on as if now the silence is broken he can’t stop talking. “I don’t want you to dislike me at all Allie, I know I’m not the easiest person to be around but we have to work together now and I don’t want any animosity between us.”
Well there goes me thinking that he might actually want us to be friends.
How wrong was I? He just want’s us to be ok because we’re working together.
Stupid... stupid Allie.
“Ok.” That’s all I can say to him right now, I’m feeling foolish, my earlier anger faded to dust and I just want to get home and pretend this conversation didn’t happen because deep down I no if we carry on the way we are we won't be able to be in the same room together.
Be somebody,
nobody thought you could be.
Chapter 13
I feel like a dick.
She hasn’t said anything to me apart from “Ok.” After I spewed all that shit at her about wanting no animosity between us because of working together. When what I really wanted to do is to take her home and apologize to her properly, the way I'm use to and that's with no clothes on and with her screaming my name from her lip’s. And with me buried so deep inside of her we both forget our names and either of us can't tell where one begins and the other ends.
Pulling up outside her building I stop the car and turn to face her in my seat. Her white blonde hair’s covering her Angel like face so I can’t see what she’s thinking but I do know she isn’t happy.
“Thank you for dropping me off Connor I’ll see you in a week when the tour start’s. "She say’s in a clipped tone as she grab’s her bag and get’s out of my car and slams the door shut.
I speed off, parking my car around the corner so I don’t get a ticket, I walk back around to her building and make my way to her door.
Why can't I just leave things well alone?
Knocking on her door I take another deep breath in... out and when she answers I have the wind completely knocked out of me. She’s wearing them short shorts girls like to wear for bed and a tank top with no bra and her nipple’s are pointing straight at me, begging for me to pay attention to them. Fuck me, she got changed quick.
“Connor?” She snap’s. “What are you doing here? I thought you'd left.. I heard the car speed off...” I cut her off.
“What I should of done the first moment I met you.” My voice clearly weighed down with lust and desire for this Angel in front of me.
Pushing my way forward I grab her by the back of her head and lower my mouth to her’s all thoughts of consequences gone from my mind.
We're all lip’s and tongue she doesn’t stop me. She want’s this as much as I do. She run’s her tongue over my bottom lip with a nibble of her teeth as she pull’s away panting... please don’t stop this? I beg her with my eyes.
Just when I think she’s going to tell me to fuck off for barging in here she shuts the door and throw’s herself into my arms and kisses me just as ferocious as before. My dick’s straining against my jean’s and begging to be let free. I run my hand’s down her back and cup her full pert ass in my hand’s and pull her up so that she wraps her legs around my waist.
Taking a breath I ask her-
“Please tell me this is ok Allie? Because right now I don’t think I could stop.” The sexual tension between us is off the chain it has been since she got in my car.
With the biggest and most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen she answer’s.
“This is more than ok Connor.” And with a nod of her head towards the hallway she say’s.
“My room’s second door on the right.” With that I carry her to her room with every intention of apologizing to her again only this time doing it... my way.
Maybe it won't work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.
Chapter 14
Oh sweet baby Jesus... I’m in Connor’s arm’s and he’s taking me to my room.
How did this happen?
Am’i really going to do this?
Stop questioning this Allie and just go with it. Have fun for once in your life... live a little...
He manages to open my door with me still wrapped around him like a spider monkey and walks in shutting my door with his foot. He slowly slide’s me down his body and I notice a wet trail down his t-shirt where I’ve rubbed myself against him clearly showing how turned on I’am right now. Noticing what I’m looking at he look’s at me with an amused but cocky grin on his face and says-
“Look’s like someone need’s attending too.” It’s not a question it’s a statement and he has that look on his face that tell’s me he has every intention of attending to me thoroughly.
“Maybe.” I smirk at him.
“You can’t lie to me Angel... the evidence is all over my t-shirt... Now raise your arm’s I need to see you.”
Feeling nervous all of a sudden of what he might think once he see’s me naked I take a step back biting my lip and looking up at him from under hooded eyes. I slowly raise my arm’s for him as he step’s forward and lifting my chin with his finger he look’s his brown to my blue and whisper’s -
“Don’t be nervous Angel your beautiful and I know that once I’ve been inside you that your going to be mine... because one time with you isn’t going to be enough for me.”
Holy shit balls... he plan’s on doing this again.
Who am’i to say no.
Taking the hem of my tank he slowly pull’s it up my body and over my head throwing it to the floor taking my worries about what is about to happen with it.
“Wow Angel... y-your breath taking.” He stutters as he lower’s his head to p
ut one of my very pert and painful nipples into his mouth whilst he uses one of his big rough palms to squeeze and play with the other.
I’m a hot mess right now.
Moaning and groaning as he play’s my body into submission.
“Connor... please.” I beg.
“Yes my Angel? Tell me what you want.” He say’s against my breast making the vibrations of his voice shoot straight to my clit which make’s the throbbing between my leg’s even more unbearable.
“I need...” I trail off as he stroke’s me over my short’s even that small amount of contact has me nearly ready to explode into piece’s.
“What do you need Angel?” He’s taunting me, he know’s damn well what I need and he’s going to make me to ask him for it, but at this point I’m past caring as long as he give’s it to me.
And fast.
“I need you to make me come. I don’t care how you do it... just please bloody do it.” I demand.
“Well...” He say’s as he kisses me, “What the lady want’s the lady get’s and who am’I to say no to that.” He continues has he walk’s me backward’s till the back of my leg’s hit my bed.
Has he lay’s open mouthed kisses along my neck and down my body he slowly lower’s himself to his knee’s in front of me, taking my short’s with him. “You won’t be needing these with what I have planned for you.” He whisper’s against my wet flesh as he disgard’s my short’s somewhere across my room, Too turned on to care. Thank god I cleaned my room the other day.
No dirty knickers on this floor!
“Now sit on the bed and spread those gorgeous leg’s for me Angel.” He command’s with no room to protest... not that I want too.
Doing as I’m asked I lower myself to the bed as he run’s his hand’s up my leg’s and stroke’s my inner thighs with his thumb’s.