Syren's Angel (The Syren Series Book 1) Page 4
“Yes can I help you Mr Blackwood?” I greet him with more confidence in my voice than I actually feel. Standing stock still and taken aback by my formality and probably because I’m not jumping all over his gorgeous ass he opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out, scratching his head, looking confused he take’s a tentative step towards our table.
“Your Allie right?...the girl who just auditioned?” He quickly says.
Trying my hardest not to laugh because he seems nervous to speak to me which is absurd because he's the Connor Blackwood and he couldn’t possibly be nervous about talking to lil old me? Could he?
Unable to let him suffer anymore I put him out of his misery...
“Yes that’s me.” I smile up at him from my seat.
“Oh my god he is so hot.” I hear Martin whisper behind me. Turning in my chair with my death glare aimed towards him.
“Shut up Martin.. I’m fully aware of that thank you, but let's not make his head swell any bigger shall we?” I whisper back and hoping that Connor didn’t hear a word of what was just said about him... unfortunately when I turn back to look at him he’s wearing that cocky grin of his that everyone is use to seeing, which tells me he heard everything.
Someone shoot me now!!!
“What do you want?” I snap wiping that smile of his handsome face.
“I wanted... actually no I need to talk to you about your audition and what Clint said to you back there. I have to say I was surprised by your choice of music you auditioned to, it was refreshing. Everyone so far today as either used my music or cheesy pop music.” He say’s in an amused tone throwing a glance over my shoulder at Billie-Jo and Martin trying to stifle my laugh at his obvious dig at their choice in music. I put on my serious face and in the most serious voice I can muster up I say...
“Thank you I guess... now is that all you wanted?” God why do I sound like a bitch?
Because you find him super attractive and don't want him to know, the voices in the back of my mind is screaming at me.
“Actually no it wasn’t,” He seems to have gained his confidence back.
“I want to know why you didn’t say yes to coming on the tour?”
Oh shit I’m sweating I can’t tell him the truth he’ll think I'm a total basket case, he already think’s I’ve lost the plot after the way I’ve spoken to him and especially after brushing the chance of a lifetime of with a, let me think about it.
Fiddling with my finger’s I simply shrug “I don’t know.”
“Well what can I do to make you say yes?” He say’s in a serious voice with his eyebrows raised.
Oh sweet baby Jesus is it hot in here or is just me, he’s staring and I can tell from the steel expression on his face that he is being deadly serious.
“There’s nothing you can do.” I say finally finding my voice again. “I have till the end of the day to decide what I want to do.”
I don’t know who I'm trying to convince more, him or myself right now.
Crouching down in front of me so were eye level, I can’t but help notice how his jeans stretch across his thick masculine thighs and... I’m drooling again. I can’t look into his eyes I’m actually scared to because if I do I know I’ll agree to anything that this man wants me to do... lifting my chin up with his finger so I’m forced to look at him and trying to ignore the goosebumps that prick my skin and the butterflies that are doing somersaults in my belly that have all been ignited by that one simple touch.
I risk a glance under my lashes at his arms and I swear his t-shirt is going to rip open like the incredible hulk... their that big, then I notice the edge of a tattoo poking out and I swear my lady bits have a little flutter at the sight.
“Look Allie, I’m going to be honest with you... I’ve been bored shitless all day... No offence.” He smiles at Billie-Jo and Martin. My god that smile is doing things to my girly parts. I mentally slap myself all over the canteen for my dirty thoughts.
“I can’t dance for shit Allie,” He continues, “But I know when someone is doing something they are really passionate about and from what I just saw up there, you didn’t give a shit, you were dancing for no one but for your own pleasure, not even caring who's watching and I dig that.”
Holy shit how did he get all that just from a five minute audition??? Granted the cocky arsehole is right dancing is what I love to do more than anything, I’ve made sacrifice after sacrifice to get to this point in my life. The thing is I know what he's doing, he just so happened to use the word pleasure when speaking to me. He was flirting. Wasn't he?
Realizing I’m being stupid and I could be ruining my career before it’s even started and I know without a shadow of a doubt that Karina will kick my ass from here to Tim Buck too. I put Connor out of his misery. Yet again.
“I’ll do it!” I say surprising myself at how calm I am when I hear “Hell yeah” and “Whoop” from behind me I think Billie-Jo and Martin are more excited than me.
“You will?” He asks shock written all over his face clearly expecting he would have to do more to convince me. "I thought you were going to make this hard for me."
“Yeah, it’s about time I put all my hard work into action.” Trying to convince myself I’m doing the right thing.
“That’s fantastic... thank you Allie... right I had better get back and tell Clint you’ll be doing the tour with me.. I mean us, you'll be doing the tour with us. He can get all your details from your teacher and we’ll be in touch with all the information you’ll need for rehearsals and the tour.” He say’s rising to his full height which compared to me is huge he’s got be at least 6” 4 with a smile on his face he walk’s away making his way out of the canteen and giving me the perfect view of his ass... snap out of it Allie, shaking my thought’s away I pray I’ve made the right choice and not made a complete fool out of myself, lusting over the man who is now going to be my boss.
You’re my favourite place to go to when my mind searchers for peace.
Chapter 9
Walking away from that little blonde spitfire I can feel her eyes on me so before I walk out of the canteen door I throw her a wink over my shoulder and ignoring the gasp that comes out of her pretty little mouth. My god what I would love to do to her mouth. Images of her between my thighs with my dick in her mouth and moaning send my dick in a state, and me adjusting my jeans yet again.
“That was one hell of a piss you took Blackwood” Johnny shouts as I enter the auditorium...
“Fuck off dude... I was talking.” I hiss back at him.
“Oh yeah who too?” Clint scowls at me
“That Allie girl I bumped into her outside and I managed to convince her to join the tour.” I’m a lying sack of shit sometimes. "And before you ask or even think it no I didn't sleep with her or even offer too.”
“I bet.” Max laughs
“Whatever fucker.” I mumble “Let's just get the rest of this shit done shall we?”
“Whatever you say dude.” Johnny grins at me knowing I’m lying through my back teeth.
After being tortured for another three hours of shitty, cheesy auditions the guys and Clint made the choice on the other three dancer’s. I paid no attention at all completely lost in thought of a feisty blonde. All I know is that two male dancer’s and another female dancer will join Allie on the tour... the girl who I’ve spent no more than twenty minutes with is occupying all my thoughts and desires. How so? How the hell am’i going to spend four months on tour with her, dancing next to me every night with that tight little body of hers. I can’t touch her. I can’t ruin this tour. I owe it to the guy’s and to the fan’s especially after my grade A fuck up last year. Apparently getting fucked off my face on cocaine and amphetamines for nearly twelve months, night and day is a total deal breaker with our record company. Then to add insult to injury I was caught fucking our tour managers niece backstage at a show and a pap who we had let tag along to do a story on our show’s caught me
in the act with my jeans around my ankles giving the sixteen year old the ride of her life.
In my defence I didn’t know she was sixteen, she looked older in her skin tight dress and face full of make-up. Come on I'm a young lad isn't that what we all do? And anyway sixteen is legal.
So it’s safe to say the infamous bad boy Connor Blackwood was splashed across every glossy mag and newspaper you could think of and everyone knew then that I had a class A drug addiction and that I couldn't keep my dick in my pants.
So the next thing I know Clint and the record label had me checked into the Priory Rehab Clinic quicker than I could count to ten, and after ninety days of rehab they let me loose and I had a new outlook on life... I was determined not to end up with the life my mum and dad had, I wasn’t going throw it all away for any drug or a quick fuck...don’t get me wrong I’m still no Angel and Rebecca can vouch for that. In fact she could have gone to the reporters at anytime and sold a story but she never did and it's not like her to turn down easy money. Where do you think she got the money to fund her habit. I was pushing it hard but she was getting worse than me. I'm trying make that right. But she's not helping me in fact she's making it harder than it has to be. Sometimes I think she's doing it on purpose.
I’ve been out of rehab now for just under two months and I’ve had the occasional hook up but it’s with someone I know and with someone who won't sell me out... mmmm Vanessa I wonder if she can help me block out my desires for Allie??
No she’s a raving bitch I can’t go there with her again, and that's when the calls started up again with Rebecca, shaking my thoughts away and back to the guy’s... the guy’s who stood by me when I fucked up and took all the backlash for me whilst I was tucked away nicely in some clinic getting clean... no I couldn’t and wouldn’t let them down again.
Knowing I wasn’t ready to go out and get smashed yet because I didn’t trust myself I needed another way to help keep my mind occupied and away from the dirty thoughts I had of Allie... I needed the one thing that made me happy all the time and the one content thing in my life and that’s my music.
Leaving the academy via the back door to avoid the students and their demands for autographs and photos... normally I’m more than willing to do those things it's part of the job but today I’m just not in the mood and I just want to go home lose myself in my music and eat pizza.
Getting into my baby I speed away and navigate the busy streets of London still thinking of the tiny blonde and her ball buster attitude and if memory serves me right she’s the only female I think I’ve ever met in the last seven years who isn’t willing to bend over backwards to please me and I fucking love it but at the same time it frustrates the hell out of me because I know I can’t have what I want, and what I want is her in my bed screaming my name whilst my cock is buried inside of her.
Pulling into my spot in the underground garage with one destination in my mind... my studio, I had it built into my apartment when I brought the place and it’s my idea of heaven it’s where I come when I need to lash out or to forget. But when I get to the door Rebecca is there sitting on the floor, looking like she's been there for hours.
I don't need this right now.
When she spots me she pulls herself from the floor before offering me an explanation as to why she's here-
"I thought I'd come see you as you keep forgetting about me lately." She says whilst running her hands up and down her arms. "You're distracted I can tell what's up Connor?"
Jesus is it that obvious?
"How long have you been here for?" I can't believe she's just sat out here.
"Not long about an hour." She says as if it's nothing.
"Fucking hell, you must have a dead arse sitting down there all this time.. come on I'll let you in."
Well there goes my studio time.
Love is about trusting your feeling, taking chances, finding happiness, leaving from the past, and finding everything changes.
Chapter 10
Going straight home in a daze, not quite believing how my day turned out. I have a quick shower and get ready for what I know will be the Spanish inquisition off Karina. Which is why I have wine and chocolate in the fridge ready, because there is no other way for me to tell her all that’s happened today. Plus if I didn't already have them she'd only send me out for them when she gets home. So I killed two birds with one stone. I've never understood why people use that term.... anyway back to Karina, wine and chocolates. I'm so excited to tell her but nervous at the same time. Eeekkk she's going to freak out!
Getting dressed into my ratty old shorts and an old David Bowie t-shirt that’s seen better day’s that I just keep refusing to throw away, I realize I have to keep my distance from Connor because I know his type thinking he's god's gift to women and that he can get with anyone no matter the consequences. Yeah he's is going to be dangerous and he has the potential to ruin me if I don’t get a grip on my attraction towards him and fast... I mean that cheeky wink he throw at me earlier when he caught me staring at his arse as he walked away, I mean that one wink had the butterflies in im stomach multiplying in their thousands. I will need to learn to control myself around him. I can't let him know what effect he has on me otherwise I'm royally fucked.
But if he thinks he can just throw me a wink and I will drop my knickers for him, then he's sadly mistaken.
The cheeky git.
Making me jump and my thoughts dissolve for now I hear...
“Honey I'm home!” Karina slams the front door shut and I walk out of my room and grab the wine out of the fridge.
“Oh no.” She says in a sympathetic tone “If your cracking open the wine then I’m guessing today didn’t go so well?”
With a blank look on my face I reply “Oh... quite the opposite, it went well I got the job”
Screeching like a banshee with excitement she charges at me and gives me a hug. As she almost knocks me over she screams in my ear...
“Congratulations, I knew you could do it, I'm so proud of you Allie even if your parents aren't."
Pushing away from me with a look of concern on her face. “What happened? Why aren’t you screaming from the rooftops?”
Grabbing the wine glasses I make my way to the sofa with Karina hot on my heels.
“Well?” She asks
Burying my face in my hands I blurt out. “Oh mofo I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
An hour later and one and a half bottles of wine drunk between us I’ve managed to tell her everything that happened.
“Oh hell Allie, that's some hot shit right there he clearly want’s into your Cookie jar!”
Shaking my head and laughing, “There’s no way he see’s me like that... I mean have you seen the man? Have you googled the women he’s been with?” Not letting her answer I continue on rambling “Plus the guy is going to be my boss and I’m not going to throw away everything I've worked so bloody hard for, all for some cocky arsehole with a tight butt! A nice butt though may I add.” Hoping my big speech sounded convincing because I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince Karina or myself.
It’s been two weeks since my audition and it’s been nothing but rehearsals with the other three dancers- Luke, Kyle and Sophie.
The morning after my mini meltdown on Karina I decided to pull on my big girl pants and just get on with it and not think about Connor at all... but my new resolve was blown to shit when I received the most gorgeous bouquet of pink roses along with all the information I needed for rehearsals.
What I didn’t expect and what shocked me was what was written on the card attached to the roses-
I’m glad I convinced you
to join the tour.
I wonder what else
I could convince you to do?
C x x
So it’s safe to say I was ready to go into rehearsals with a speech to give him on his inappropriate behaviour... his damn nerve thinking he coul
d get me to do anything else he wanted. When I came to a crashing halt realizing it was just us four dancers and our choreographer Leo, who was the most flamboyant gay man I’d ever met, he put Marcus to shame. Apparently the band members didn’t dance so we just rehearsed to one of their albums and it also put me at ease hoping the next time I saw Connor he may have forgotten about me.
We’ve got a week left till the tour kicks off and so far I’ve got all the moves down to a T, even the routine to one of Syren’s slower songs -Why have me if you didn’t want me- which we are currently practicing and I’m in Kyle's arms with one leg on his hip and my back bent with my head thrown back when suddenly the music stops and I’m seeing an upside down Connor with a murderous glare on his face.
What the fuck's his problem now?
Pulling myself up so I’m back on my two feet and out of Kyle’s arm’s I head over to the table that has my sweaty towel and bottled water on when I hear Leo shout us all over to join him and the guy’s who have just walked in and disrupted our rehearsal.
I’m finally introduced properly to the other band members Johnny, huge muscles and covered in tattoo's but in a good way, he seems ok, Liam looks kind of shy and Max well you can tell just by looking at him he thinks he's jack the lad, Looking me and Sophie up and down as he walks into room whilst the entire time Connor looks like he's chewing a wasp his jaw is that tight, and it seems his radiating anger is aimed right at me for some unknown reason.
“We thought we'd just drop in and see how you are all doing,” Johnny says snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah, we wanted to come prove to this fucker that you guys are just what we needed on this tour.” Max says sarcastically throwing a slight punch on Connors arm. I swear I hear Connor growl at him.
My anger at him for the flowers he sent and his message on the card come’s back tenfold!