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Syren's Angel (The Syren Series Book 1) Page 3

  "Rebecca what is it.. I'm working... really... I can't now I'll meet you when I'm done here ok? Ok see you later.. Bye." He doesn't look happy more frustrated than anything. He goes out the way he came in and I'm safe from being seen. Jesus that was close, I wonder what all that was about.

  Picking up the Chinese food on the way home for dinner at Karina’s request, I head home to stuff my face and take a hot relaxing bath ready for tomorrow but the entire time I'm in there I can’t stop thinking about what I saw and heard today after rehearsal, I may have only got a glimpse of the fine specimen of a man that is Mr Connor Blackwood and holy shit the man is mighty no no I can’t think of him like that I have to dance for the man tomorrow and judging by what I heard he’s not happy about having dancer’s which make’s me more determined to prove the sexy arsewipe wrong.

  After checking I have everything ready for tomorrow I head for bed and try to get some much needed sleep. It's going to be interesting tomorrow to say the least.

  “Allie wake up,” Karina whisper shout’s whilst shaking my shoulder, “Today’s the day you make your dream’s come true so wake your arse up.”

  “I’m awake!” I groan rubbing my eye’s of sleep and pushing myself up to a sitting position against my vintage metal headboard.

  “Is that coffee I can smell?” I grin at her.

  “Yep, I made it just how you like it, strong with two sugars, I thought you might need it to kick start your day.” She smiles at me.

  “Thank you.” I mumble taking a sip from my mug she’s handed me. How people can live without coffee in the morning is beyond me I would not survive past breakfast.

  Once I've eaten a bit of the breakfast, That Karina insisted on making me, I take a quick shower and I decide to leave my long natural blonde hair down to dry naturally, it will only go curly and look like I've put my finger’s in the plug socket anyway with the rain outside and I'm not one of these dancer’s who wear’s tight face lifting bun’s in their hair they irritate the shit out of me. Dressing in yoga pant’s and a t-shirt I slip on my silver converse and coat, grabbing my bag on my way out of my room I wave and say a quick “Goodbye” to Karina as I head out the door.

  I’m in the changing room putting my dance gear on which consists of a better pair of yoga pants and my sports bra with an off the shoulder crop top and the entire time in there I repeat my mantra... EAT... SLEEP... BREATHE... DANCE... it’s what’s kept me going all these years so I'm hoping it doesn’t fail me now.

  Oh god... Oh my bloody god it’s my turn next. Billie-Jo, Martin and Maddie who are also in a couple of my classes, have all been in and done their audtion’s and all of them have come back with glum expressions on their face’s, Martin even went as far as calling Connor “A moody fucking twat.” Which then racked my nerves up another level. Pacing in the waiting area repeating my mantra in my head I tell myself “I can do this. I can do this”....

  “Allie.” I whip round on my heel’s at the sound of Miss Whitney calling my name. “It’s time for you to go on now.”

  “Thank’s.” I mutter giving her a nervous smile as I walk past her and head onto the stage.

  “Breathe Allie, you got this, you can do this.” I repeat till I lift my head and freeze on the spot....

  Holy shit I'm staring.

  Like can I make it anymore obvious kind of staring. I'm captivated by the eye’s I only catch a glimpse of and now I can’t move or speak.

  So I ask myself again.

  “Can I do this?”

  I bloody hope so.


  Don’t wait for the perfect moment take the moment and make it perfect

  Chapter 5


  Nearly six fucking hours I've been sat here in the most uncomfortable chair I've ever graced my ass with.

  I’m bored and I'm pissed off at the fact I have to be here when I'm worried about Rebecca right now. She wasn't right when I spoke to her yesterday nor was she when I met her. I told her to text me again if she needed me today. Because Clint insists that the record label want mine and the guys input she knows I've got be here. But that doesn't stop the endless texts and missed calls filling up my phone.

  I’m letting the guys and Clint make the final choice, because I couldn't give a rat’s ass if we had dancer’s or not. Not that I had much of a choice.

  Checking my phone for the millionth time and waiting for the next person who thinks they can “Wow” me, I attempt to eat some of the cardboard sandwich the Academy's canteen sent down for us.

  Not looking up from my phone I hear the next name being called but because I'm not paying attention I don’t hear it properly.... when all of a sudden I'm roughly shoved in the arm by Johnny who I know is sitting on my left side.

  “Piss off dude....” I don't even bother looking up from my phone.

  “Seriously Mr Grouchy Arse... Rebecca will be fine for now... you should check this one out.” He whispers at me. Only him, Liam and Max know about Rebecca. And that's the way I'd like to keep it.

  Curiosity getting the better of me I lift my head and nearly choke on my cardboard sandwich.

  Holy shit she’s gorgeous... she looks like an Angel with her blonde hair... but she seems a bit off up there... why is she just standing there staring not moving? I hear Clint ask for her name and nothing comes out, oh fucking brilliant another bimbo who thought she could use this opportunity to get to me and the guys... well it just ain’t happening, no matter how gorgeous she is and how much I'm mentally undressing her in my head. With her long blonde hair flowing down her back, her tight legging things I've noticed that these dancers wear cling to her hips showing off her curves and don’t even start me on the piece of material she’s wearing as a top, showing off her flat stomach... oh my god now I'm the one staring and drooling.

  Pulling myself together and finally thinking with my head and not my dick, I'm about to have her escorted from the stage.

  "Yeah Johnny I don't want miss this one ay?" I say half pissed off half joking. He's about say something when she stutters...

  “I-I’m A-Allie”..."Allie Whitbury.”

  “Right ok Allie we’re ready when you are.” Clint quickly interjects.

  Nodding her head she walks to the back of the stage shaking her hands out with what I'm guessing is nerves... and just as I'm thinking what an amazing ass she has I hear the opening beats of a song and I immediately recognize it. I'm so glad it isn’t one of mine she’s auditioning too like most of the others today thinking it will impress us.

  LCDS Sound Systems Daft Punk- Playing In My House is coming from the speakers.

  Realizing that this girl is not only gorgeous... she has damn good taste in music as well.

  The beat starts to pick up and she starts to move across the stage, the look on her face tells me she's doing this because she loves to dance, she's getting lost in the music. She isn’t just seeing this as a chance for fame by being associated with me and the guys. No... the way she moves her hips and throws her head back has me staring again. I'm actually paying attention for the first time today, She's good, very good actually. But I'm not going to be the first to say anything cause that would mean I actually give a fuck.

  “See.” Johnny chuckles “I told you, you'd want to pay attention to this one.”

  “Arsehole!” I grumble I hate it when the jackass is right. This dude know’s me better than anyone.

  My mouth is hitting the floor she's very talented... she’s doing this fancy back bend and it’s a fucking perfect moment because it causes her very perky but more than a handful of tits to push up into her tiny dance crop top thing she’s wearing and.. oh my... what a beautiful vision she is.

  Adjusting myself discreetly in my seat before Johnny or Clint notices the slight bulge I've got going on in my jeans.

  Nudging my elbow in Clint's ribs...

  “Oww... what the fuck Connor?” He snaps at me.

  “Oh shut up you wimp... it didn’t hurt... listen I
like her... I want her on the tour.”

  So much for me not saying anything first!!!

  “Hold on a minute...” I think he’s shocked by my sudden interest. “You didn’t want anything to do with this... I had to practically drag your stubborn ass here.”

  “Yeah well...” Trying my hardest to think of a decent excuse for my sudden interest... "The girl’s got moves and has fantastic taste in music.” I say repeating some of my thoughts back to him.

  I know it’s a piss poor excuse but it’s the best I can come up with without him questioning me or my motives.

  “Yeah ok... it’s her taste in music.” He amuses clearly not believing me.

  Turning our attention back to the stage the song is coming to an end and she’s still dancing her ass off. But when it does stop she’s on her knees with her head thrown back and she's breathing hard and fast, That's when my mind goes in the gutter again and I can’t help but think what I would have to do to get her on her knees and breathing like that for me.


  Knowing when to walk away is wisdom

  Being able to is courage

  Walking away with your head held high is dignity.

  Chapter 6


  Oh wow... that was amazing... incredible... my whole body is vibrating with how intense that was. I get up of my knees where I ended my performance, my breathing labored from dancing, which in my opinion the best I've ever done. I just got lost in the music and did what felt was right.

  I didn’t do a bloody thing what I've been rehearsing.

  Lifting my head I'm met with five intimidating men just staring up at me, who I now recognize as the four members of Syren and the guy I saw Connor having heated words with yesterday.

  Suddenly feeling shy I hold my hand up in a little wave I say “Thank you for your time today.” Then I turn to start walking off the stage.

  “Wait!” I hear someone shout. Looking over my shoulder I see the older looking guy making his way towards the stage.

  Towards me.

  Nervously playing with my fingers in front of me I notice Connor is still staring at me. Dragging my eyes away from his intense stare I focus on the older guy who’s smiling at me with a slight sneer on his face.

  “Hi I’m Clint. The guys manager.” He say’s as he offers me his hand to shake.

  “I’m Allie.” I say through gritted teeth at the same time taking his hand offered hand my manners getting the better of me, this dude is a slime ball and it’s written all over his face.

  “Pleased to meet you Allie, can I just say that was fabulous, you have some serious dance moves young lady.”

  Yeah he’s defo a slime ball. "Erm... Thank you.” Thinking he’s over exaggerating a bit and it’s killing him to be nice to me.

  “Look...” He snaps. “The guys really like you and they think that you would be a great addition to the tour.”

  Glancing behind the creepy shit in front of me I see the guy who is sitting next to Connor and it’s Johnny the bands lead guitarist, he’s looking at me with a megawatt smile on his face and giving me two thumbs up. Covering my mouth with my hand to try to stifle a laugh I look back to Clint not quite believing what I'm about to say to him because I should be jumping all over this, there are dancers on the other side of the door who would kill to be in my position right now.

  Taking my silence as rejection he quickly adds. “Look Allie this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and Connor has made it very clear he wants you on this tour and you have no idea how hard it was for me to get him to agree to the dancers.”

  I know more than he thinks.

  Taken aback by his honesty I look over to Connor who's still bloody staring at me but with what looks a lot like hunger maybe even desire. I start to think maybe Connor Blackwood doesn’t want me for my dancing ability and maybe something else. Whatever it is he isn’t going to get it from me no matter how bloody gorgeous he is. It’s public knowledge that Connor Blackwood can’t keep his cock in his jeans it’s been splashed all over every glossy mag and newspaper there is... my father's included, so no thank you. Connor Blackwood is a walking STD he’s been with A-list actresses, Supermodels, TV Presenters. You name it he's had them all.

  Looking back to Clint and shaking my thoughts away I say “I'll think about it.”

  “Think about it?” He asks in disbelief.

  “Yeah It's just...” Oh my god what am’i doing? I can’t exactly say “Oh by the way I'm feeling confused because Mr chocolate brown eyes over there keeps staring at me and I have a pretty good reason why he'd like me on this tour. To keep him happy when he gets bored.” That just wouldn’t go down to well now would it!?

  “Right ok Allie if you need some time because this is clearly all to overwhelming for you..” He patronizes me. “Then you have till the end of the day when the auditions are over to give us your answer.”

  Nodding my head in understanding and a quick –thank you- I leave the auditorium in a daze wondering what the hell just happened in that room.


  My best friends are like fairytales, they’ve been there since once upon a time and will be there until forever after

  Chapter 7


  “Well what did she say?” I shout as I go bounding over to Clint who’s on the stage... excitement filling me for the first time in a long time and hoping and praying to god she said yes.

  Please tell me she said yes?

  “She’ll think about It.” In a board tone he continues “I've given her till the end of the day to give us her answer.”

  “I don’t get it? What’s there to think about? Why audition if she didn't want the god damn job?” I need to calm down I'm getting all worked up over a blonde and I should know better than to let a blonde get too me the last blonde I let get under my skin fucked me over and I swore I’d never let a woman especially a blonde get to me again. But something is telling me that this one is different I just need to speak to her myself and hopefully convince her to come on this tour with me... erm I mean us.

  Jesus Blackwood sort your shit out.

  “My thoughts exactly.” Clint huffs and storms back over to his seat.

  “I need to pee.” I blurt out from’s the only excuse I can think of to leave the auditorium and go after her. Johnny the sly fucker who’s talking to Liam and Max gives me a look knowing full well I have no intentions of going to pee.

  “Be quick.” Clint barks at me as I head off the stage and in search of the petite blonde angel.

  Barging my way out of the stage door, all I can see is heads turned my way... I did not think this through... I hear gasps and whispers of the students still waiting to audition surprised at seeing me this close to them. Not bothering to acknowledge any of them I scan the area looking for the Angel with long blonde wavy hair. Panic setting in because I can’t see her anywhere.

  I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket again, I haven't got time to see who it is. Even though I no full well who it's going be... when a women walks my way.

  “What is the matter Connor?" I think it’s the dance teacher who asks with Concern in her voice.

  “I’m looking for someone the small blonde girl... she just auditioned, Allie I think her name was?”

  “Ohh you mean Little Allie Whitbury?” Sounding like someone who's familiar with the girl. “She’s my star pupil, you know at one point I didn’t think she was going to do the audition, I was surprised when she came and told me she would do it.” Listening to her but not looking at her still trying to find Allie in the crowd.

  I breathe out “Look have you seen her I really need to speak to her?”

  Shocked that I'd be coming out looking for one of her students personally she stutters “O-Oh yes I think I saw her just now heading towards the canteen with two of her friends who have already auditioned.”

  Walking away in my mission to find her I throw a “Thank you” over my shoulder and follow the signs for the cantee

  I have no idea what I’m going to say to her, I enter the canteen and scan the area till I see her sitting at a corner table with her friends I know that no matter what I have to say or do I will get her to say yes. I'm not use to people telling me no so this should be easy.


  Love doesn’t need to perfect, it just needs to be true.- Beauty and the Beast.

  Chapter 8


  “Jesus bloody Christ” Billie-Jo blows out... "Why did you say that?”

  I’ve just finished telling her and Martin about what happened in my audition.

  All I've thought about since I left the audition room is his eyes and the way he looked at me. He unnerved me it was like he was seeing inside my head without actually knowing me, it was weird and I didn't like it. Not that I can tell these pair that they’ll think I'm crazy and have me in a padded cell before bedtime.

  “I don’t know,” I shrug her off “It just all happened so quick I wasn’t expecting it to happen."

  Looking up from my fingers which I have found very interesting during this entire conversation. I see Billie-Jo and Martin gaping like goldfish their jaws are practically hitting the floor. That’s when I feel my skin prickle with goosebumps and I know he’s standing behind me waiting for me to turn around.

  Finally picking his jaw up Martin whispers “Ermmm Allie I think there’s someone here to see you..?”

  “No shit Sherlock, like you pair weren’t obvious, and thanks for the heads up.” I growl back at him.

  Taking a deep breath and trying to compose myself and pretend he doesn’t effect me in anyway whatsoever, I slowly turn around knowing he’s waiting for me to acknowledge him.