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Syren's Plaything Page 6

  I have to tread very careful where Dominic Vale is concerned, he may be my own flesh and blood, but he won’t hesitate to take any drastic action if he thinks I’ve been hurt or if I’m upset.

  “What can I do for you sweetheart?” I haven’t got a bloody clue what say. Do I tell him now or not?

  “I just needed to get away from everything and of course I wanted to see you dad, so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone.” My fingers are in my mouth and I’m chewing at my nails.

  The death glare he’s throwing my way I tells me I’ve just fucked up by not being completely honest with him.

  Oh. My. God. He knows, he knows I’m lying.

  “Karina, I may not see you as often as a father should, but I know when you’re lying. You’re biting your nails, you used to do it when you were little and had done something you shouldn’t, just like you’re doing now. So, tell me… what’s the real reason your here. No more lying.”

  Fuck… fuck… fuck. What to do…. What to fucking do.

  Well here goes nothing. I send a silent prayer to any of the gods that might be listening and hope for the best.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Now a normal person would feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once they’ve told their parent that they are having a baby, but no. Not me, I now have to sit here and wait for world war III because I know it’s going to come, any minute now.

  And like clockwork, the bomb goes off.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” He shouts at me as he stands from his chair and leans over the desk that’s between us. Getting up as close and personal as he can. I shut my eyes, but only for a split second, that’s the worst thing I can possible do, but it’s too late.

  “Look at me.” He’s rounded the desk and is in front of me before I’ve even had chance to open them. He pulls me up from the chair I was sat in only moments ago, and he has a firm grip on my upper arm.

  “Please tell me you’re not going to keep it, you’re not that stupid surely?” How dare he! Now I’ve never questioned my father with anything and I’ve certainly never stood up to him, but he’s hit a nerve, and I won’t stand for it now. I’ve finally grown some balls, just like he told me I needed to if I wanted to survive in this world.

  “And who’s the arsehole I’m going have to shoot straight between the eyes for even looking at my daughter, let alone knocking her up?”

  “How dare you! I…” Before things can get more physical and heated between us, someone knocks on the door. They don’t enter the room, they just shout through the door.

  “Erm boss, you might want to check out the cameras, like right now. There’s a bit of a situation at the gate.”

  “Fuck sake, can’t you morons do what I pay you to do?!” He pulls away from me, storming back around to his side of the desk. Giving the mouse, a few clicks he brings the computer back to life to check his cameras. His eyes go wide, making me wonder who or what has his complete and undivided attention.

  When he looks at me again, his face looks murderous. I can tell he’s trying his hardest now not to do any bodily harm to me.

  “Johnny fucking Owens? Please tell me you’re having a fucking laugh Karina?”

  I don’t answer him, I know by those questions that Johnny is outside. I should never have thought for one minute he wouldn’t find me. He always does.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your concern, do you?” I say trying to sound confident and not afraid, but on the inside, I’m shaking like a leaf. “I’m a grown ass woman dad, who I choose to fuck has nothing to do with you! You’ve never given a shit before now, so don’t come all high and bloody mighty with me just because you have this notion in your head that Johnny is a wanker. Because he’s not. You don’t know him like I do.”

  He scoffs at my words, before going on another rampage at me.

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re speaking to young lady? You don’t know the full story, he could be fucking anybody for all you know, not everyone is as innocent as you think they are Karina, and you’re just blinded by this infatuation you have for him.” What the fuck does that mean.

  “I’m sick of you always talking in code dad, I’m not your little girl anymore. I can make my own choices now. And if you must know…. Johnny is the father, and there’s nothing you can say or do that can change it.” I’m shaking from head to toe. It feels so good to finally stand up to him, but that little bit of hope I had soon vanishes.

  “Boss, we really need you out here, Carlos is getting his arse handed to him out here.” The voice comes through the door again.

  “We’ll see about that.” He storms past me and swings the office door open, almost taking it off its hinges. “You stay fucking put.”

  “Dad… dad, what are you going to do? Dad…. please say something!” He doesn’t answer me, he just carries on walking, talking yet again in code to the men that are hovering around him waiting for their orders.

  The urge to protect Johnny has me pushing past my dad and his henchmen, not caring that I’m going against his wishes to stay put.

  I rush out of the door and down the two steps that lead me to the open compound, as I get there I see Johnny covered in blood standing over a moaning Carlos.

  “Johnny! What the fucking hell are you doing here?” I shout, just as I see him give Carlos a swift kick to his upper body. It looks like he's giving Carlos a good seeing to. I've known Carlos a long fucking time and I've never seen him go down. Not like this anyway. Where did Johnny learn how to fight dirty like that?

  I hear him mumble something, but I can’t quite make out what is was.

  “Allie.” He says when he finally answers my question.

  Before I can ask him anymore questions I hear my father bawl come from behind me.

  “Johnny fucking Owens, get your backside in my office now boy!” My skin crawls with the tone of his voice, and I have the nerve to now smile sheepishly back at Johnny. Why did he have to come here? He doesn't know what he's getting himself involved in. He’s going to get himself killed if he goes into that office, I can’t let it happen.

  “Carlos get up and stop rolling around on the floor you slow arse fuck.” I swear my father doesn't have an ounce of sympathy in his body for anyone but himself.

  He makes his way back inside, not bothering to see if anyone is following him, because they all know better than to keep him waiting. I stay rooted to the ground, only turning when Johnny has passed me.

  “Are you ok princess?” He whispers, as if speaking to me is going to get us both in more trouble. Am I ok though? Now that’s the million-dollar question. It's him that he needs to worry about, not me. I just nod at him, not knowing what else to do, or say for that matter. Shit has well and truly hit the fan now.

  We're waiting for Carlos who finally gets his arse off the floor, not daring to piss my dad off even more. As he heads back to the house, he walks past me, grabbing me roughly by the top of my arm and practically drags me inside. I try not to wince out in pain as his grip gets tighter, but I can’t help myself and a moan escapes my lips. I just know he’s going to leave a bruise on my skin.

  “Get your hands off me, now Carlos!” My pleas go unheard as he continues to pull me into the house. I see Johnny looking back at me over his shoulder, I can tell he wants to say something to Carlos, as he's got his hands on me still, but he thinks better than to do so. He's finally getting to grips with what goes on around here. Only he doesn't have a clue, this now isn't even a pinch to what normally goes on. And I'm hoping he never has to find out. But with the way my dad is now, I doubt I'll have much luck on my side, which means Johnny doesn't stand a chance.


  I’m so close to busting a fuse, I don’t know how I manage to keep my mouth shut when I see the grip that Carlos has on Karina’s arm, and the look of pain on her face. It guts me from the inside out. Yet I still do nothing about it, now is not the time to play the hero, and my hands need to be sorted before
I have it out with him again, or anyone else that places a finger on her whilst I’m here. If I cause any more disruption in this place it’s going to cause her to ask more questions, and a chance that I won’t walk out of here alive.

  Dom walks ahead of me, as if he needs to show me the way to his office.

  Like I could forget.

  I spent long enough living here, too long in fact, but it was for a good reason, and it wasn’t just so I could keep Karina safe, there were bigger things happening that she just didn’t see.

  I don’t expect K to be allowed in whilst I talk to him, but I’m surprised when Carlos leads her into the room, shoving her in my direction.

  “Sit…. Both of you.” Dom orders.

  We both take the two seats in front of the old wooden desk he’s had for years, grabbing hold of Karina’s hand in a silent show of support, I squeeze lightly letting her know I’ve got this. That no one will hurt her. Even though the look on her face tells me she’s thinking the totally opposite.

  Dom looks at us both, and I don’t know who he wants to hurt first. Me for getting his daughter pregnant or her for allowing me to fuck her.

  “On second thoughts, Karina can leave.” It’s not a question, it’s a demand. One that she would be foolish to ignore. I give her a slight nod of my head, letting her know that I’m ok, and that she needs to leave.

  “I’m not leaving him alone with you, are you mad? You’re going to kill him.” why can’t she do as she’s told, just once in her life.

  With his patience wearing thin, and fast, Dom blows out a breath between gritted teeth.

  “Karina, I won’t tell you again. Leave. I’m not going to hurt him, I just want to talk to him.”

  Something tells me he’s just telling her that to get her to leave, and he has every intention of doing some sort of damage to me. I wouldn’t put it past him. I know how he reacts when someone owes him money, so I can just imagine what he’s going to do with me for getting his little girl pregnant.

  “I’ll be ok princess, just go get a drink or something and I’ll be with you shortly.” I try to reassure her, even though I’m lacking in the confidence department, but I can’t have her worrying about me.

  She stands from her chair with a huff, I can tell she wants to throw a girlie tantrum, but she holds it back. When she’s at her full height she points her finger at Dom before spitting out at him.

  “If you hurt one hair on his head dad, then that's it. Me and you are done, and you’ll never see me or your grandchild again.”

  I burst with pride on the inside, I’ve never seen a woman stand up to Dom before, it’s refreshing. And the fact she’s doing it in my honor, well that just makes me love her even more than I thought possible.

  She turns to me, bending at the waist and kisses me. It’s not a gentle kiss either, it’s a possessive kiss. She’s telling her dad to go screw himself, she’s with me and nothing is going to change it.

  I can hear Dom growling whilst she’s doing it, but I don’t give two fucks. If my girl wants to make a statement them I’m going to bloody help her out with it. So, I do. I grip her neck and deepen the kiss even more if that’s possible. We’re all tongue and lips, and if I wasn’t in this situation she’d be flat on her back by now with me pounding into her like there’s no tomorrow. Unfortunately, I am in this situation, so it’s going to have to wait. For now.

  “Will you two pack that shit in, it’s bad enough I’ve got to deal with you impregnating my daughter, I don’t want to see you mauling her as well.” He the nods his head to Carlos, who’s still standing guard behind us by the door. And before I know it, he’s once again got a hold of Karina, this time it’s not as forceful. But I’m done biting my tongue.

  “You hurt her in anyway whatsoever dickhead, then you’ll be eating through a straw for the rest of your miserable life. You hear me Carl?” He doesn’t laugh this time, it probably causes him too much pain from when I kicked his arse outside. But he answers me with a snide remark anyway, knowing I’m limited to what I can do at the minute.

  “Alright tough guy, I’ll protect her don’t you worry your pretty little head.” He glares at me. I know what he’s getting at. I was her protector for a long time, that comment was made for me and me alone. He then tries to guide her to the door but she’s having none of it.

  “Get your filthy, grubby hands off me, I’m pregnant not a fucking invalid, I’m capable of walking on my own thank you.” I smirk to myself, but it doesn’t go unnoticed. Dom is shaking his head, whether it’s at me for smirking or because Karina’s a pain in the arse, I’m not entirely sure. And I don’t care, I want this conversation to be over and done with, so I can get myself and Karina out of this shithole, sooner rather than later.

  For both our sakes.

  I watch them both leave, just getting a glimpse of her before Carlos shuts the door. Once she’s out of earshot, I turn back towards the man who makes my skin crawl, made me one of his lap dogs and had me do all of his dirty work, just like the rest of them here, only they actually enjoy what they do. Me, Not so much.

  “Come on then, let’s get this over with. Not only have I beaten up one of your best men, I’ve got your daughter pregnant, so I’m guessing you want to kill me right this moment.”

  Dom Stands from his chair, walking over to the drinks cabinet in the corner, he proceeds to pour himself a large whiskey. Once he’s quickly knocked it back, he pours another then returns to his seat before staring me straight in the eye and speaking.

  “You’re wrong, Carlos isn’t my best man… You are or were should I say. You learnt from the best Johnny, I’m not one bit surprised you kicked his arse out there, but then again you were always better than him at what you did. Carlos was just better at taking orders, where as you, you never could, although I can’t complain, you got the job done, eventually.” Where is he going with all of this? If he thinks he can blackmail me somehow, make me come back here, then he’s got another thing coming. Over my dead body. My life is with the band now, I can’t come back to this life. How I got into it in the first place is still beyond me, I was a stupid teenager who thought he could take on the world and didn’t give a fuck who got hurt in the process. Only as I got older, my conscience started to get the better of me. I couldn’t do it anymore, I couldn’t hide it from the guys when we started the band. So, I did what was best. After my last order from Dom, the order that nearly broke me completely, I decided I needed to get out and forming Syren with Connor was the best thing I ever did. I still don’t understand why Dominic let me leave all those years ago, knowing what I know, and the things he’s capable of doing. Not many people come out of that game alive, they either die of old age, or get killed doing it. This is something that has been bugging me for ages, and now is my time to get some of the answers I need before he decides what to do with me.

  “If I was your best lad here, then why did you let me leave all those years ago?” I ask him bluntly.

  “Interesting question, I often ask myself the same thing. But if I’m honest with you, I knew you would never shout your mouth off, and when I found out you made my daughter a promise that you would come back, I thought you would do. Only you never did. And now… Now I know I made the right choice, as you don’t want anyone knowing about your past and what you used to do, especially my daughter. She has no clue who you are does she?”

  “No, and I want to keep it that way for now, so if you wouldn’t mind? I will tell her eventually, but as you can see we’ve had other shit going on for the last few months. So, can we get back to the point of why I’m here now? It wouldn’t take much for one of your goons to go sprouting their mouths off to her out there, I’m not willing to take that risk either. I must be the one to tell her, not one of those skanky bastards. It also wouldn’t take a genius to work out why we’re both here at the same time.”

  “Oh, you mean the fact you got my daughter pregnant? Of all the people in the world you were the last person I ever expected my daughter t
o fall for. Although you always had a soft spot for her, didn’t you? Why do you think I gave you the job of watching her, I might not show it, but I love my daughter, she’s the only thing I have left of her mother. You were the only person I trusted with her, I suppose I was grateful to you in a way, that’s why I let you leave without a number over your head.” Was that a compliment from Dominic fucking Vale? I’m in shock.

  “At the moment though, I’m seriously considering changing my mind. I can’t believe it. You! Why you?” He’s asking questions, but I know he’s talking to himself. Trying to take everything in.

  “Dom. Let me stop you there. Did I think I would ever see her again? No. That she wouldn’t recognise me the moment she saw me? No, I fucking didn’t. Did I purposely get her pregnant, so I’d have some contact with her even if she didn’t want me? Ok I might have thought about it yes, but I never actually thought it would happen, as she fights me at every turn. And last but not least, did I ever think I would fall in love with her? No, I didn’t. But let me tell you now, I did… I love her with all my goddamn heart, I’d give my last breath for her. And no matter what happens in this office or out there once I leave here, I’ll fucking protect her with everything I am, and if that means ending this fucked up place and the people in it once and for all, I fucking will, or I’ll die trying, just to make sure she never has to come back here and live this life.”

  After declaring my love for Karina, Dom doesn’t say anything to me for what feels like forever, and then when he goes to speak, he’s stopped in his tracks.

  It’s Karina.

  She’s screaming the place down.