Syren's Angel (The Syren Series Book 1)
Syren’s Angel
By Jennah Thornhill
This book started in a journal I had for my birthday last year, it's taken me eight long months to write it. I've cried, I've laughed, I've even been ready throw it up the wall at times but I've stuck at it and now it's finished and out there for the world to read.
So without meaning to sound selfish this book is for me, it's proof that I did it when people said I couldn't.
This book for me proves that even when your at your wits end with it and ready to pack it all in eventually everything works out in the end.
It's my baby.
I don't even know where to start with all the thank you's I owe out so I'm going to start with the most important people in my life first.
Nathan my wonderful husband, You've been your weight in gold, you've made sure the kids are looked after when I've got my earphones in and I'm off to my own little fantasy land.
My mother Tracy you’re a total diamond. You've let me take over your dining room table and listened to my terrible singing. You've fed me and supplied me with endless cups of coffee when your in pain yourself and for that I will be forever grateful.
My kids Mollie and Noah even tho they will never read this, for letting Mum get on with it and I'm sorry for being practically non responsive for the last eight months.
Rachel Beioley I love ya girl you've been in my corner and listened to me panic over this book.
And last but not least my Mofo Karina if it wasn't for you buying me that journal for my birthday Allie and Connors story would still be trapped in my head you gave me the tool to tell their story and you've been there from day one when I rung you with this crazy idea I had, you backed me 100% with it and non of this would have been possible without you Mofo. I love ya bones, you helped me when you were up to your eyeballs with a newborn, to me your supermum/mofo, you can wash your hair now it's all finished mofo, Mwahhh much love.
Syren's Angel
The Syren series book 1
Published by Jennah Thornhill
Copyright 2017 by Jennah Thornhill
All rights reserved.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, songs and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead is coincidental.
Written by- Jennah Thornhill
Edited by- Karina Boote
All rights reserved in accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights act 2000.
No part of this publication maybe be reproduced or copied in anyway.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Allie
Chapter 2 - Connor
Chapter 3 - Allie
Chapter 4 - Allie
Chapter 5 - Connor
Chapter 6 - Allie
Chapter 7 - Connor
Chapter 8 - Allie
Chapter 9 - Connor
Chapter 10 - Allie
Chapter 11 - Connor
Chapter 12 - Allie
Chapter 13 - Connor
Chapter 14 - Allie
Chapter 15 - Connor
Chapter 16 – Allie
Chapter 17 - Connor
Chapter 18 - Allie
Chapter 19 - Connor
Chapter 20 - Allie
Chapter 21 - Connor
Chapter 22 - Allie
Chapter 23 - Connor
Chapter 24 - Allie
Chapter 25 - Connor
Chapter 26 - Allie
Chapter 27 – Connor
Chapter 28 - Allie
Chapter 29 - Connor
Chapter 30 - Allie
Chapter 31 - Connor
Chapter 32 - Allie
Chapter 33 - Connor
Chapter 34 – Connor
Chapter 35 - Allie
Chapter 36 - Connor
Chapter 37 - Allie
Chapter 38 - Connor
Chapter 39 – Allie
Playlist to Syren's Angel
Can I do this???
I thought I could it’s what I’ve been training my arse off for, and now that I'm standing here I’m frozen. My dance teacher Miss Whitney would be whooping my ass by now and telling me to man the fuck up. (yes she would say that a lot).
The thing is this is a big deal to me and it’s all I’ve ever wanted since I was six years old, all I’ve ever needed. Even if my damn parents don’t agree with my dancing as a career, as it's not a real a job they would say. So I need to get a grip and get my head in the game. I just wish I could bloody concentrate, but those eyes.
“Oh my god” I Breathe out.
Did I say that out loud I hope I didn’t. I release the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding.
They look nothing like what they do in the magazines, I’ll have to remember to tell Karina that he’s even better looking in person because she going to freak the hell out when I tell her all about him.
He’s breathtakingly (yes it’s a word) beautiful.
“Ok pull yourself together you’ve got this. Youvvv’e got this.”
Have I got this??
I sure as hell hope I do.
Just when you think you've finally achieved the dream you've always wanted, the secrets that are hidden slowly kill what you've worked all your life for.
The people who you think love you or who are supposed to love you aren't exactly what they seem. This is how my world fell apart.
I've fucked up again only this time I'm not sure if there's any coming back from it. How am I going to redeem myself.
I've let everybody down including myself I swore I wouldn't become my parent's. I don’t even know how I got like this. Just that one hit was all I needed and now... well that one hit turned into two then three and well you know how it goes. You get hooked.
Then the next thing you know that's £2000 a week gone down the drain and your whole life is turned on its axis.
When your past comes back and hits you in the face and you realize people are more fucked up than you ever were. I turned my life around, I tried to turn her's around to, but all I did was create a monster in the process.
This is my story and how my world got turned upside down by not one person but two.
The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who fell.
Chapter 1
I swear to god some days I’d lose my head if it wasn’t screwed on.
“Mofo” I shout down hallway from my room.
Karina my best friend and roommate was a clean freak she was forever moving my shit from wherever I left it.
“Yeah” she yelled back. “What’s up? Lost something again have you Allie?” I just know the bitch is laughing at me.
She knows me that well.
“Erm well it’s not lost it’s just not where I left it” I say my voice rising in panic due to the fact I know I'm going to mega late at this rate.
“Well if you didn’t leave your shit by the sofa so I nearly break my bloody neck then maybe just maybe it wouldn’t get moved and still be where you left it.” She explains to me as I walk down the hall and into the kitchen.
Yeah ok she has a point I was absolutely wiped out last night when I got in that I just dumped my bags down, which so happened to be by the sofa and crashed out. Only now I couldn’t find it and I’m going to be late.
I re
ally can't be late.
“Ok” I smile at her “Where you put it? And I know you know what I’m talking about because you just said it was by the sofa.”
With a big cheesy grin on her face she pushes of the kitchen counter where she was standing and walks over to the freezer and pulls my bag out. I’m actually shocked. But secretly I want laugh at her and the face she's pulling at me. She turns and throws my bag at me whilst laughing.
“All your stuff is in the draw over there I’m not that cruel but let this be a lesson to you girlfriend, don’t leave your shit lying around cause I could have an accidental death!”
Clutching my bag I turn to walk away needing to hurry and get some time back from messing around this morning as I as say under my breath.
“Carry on moving my stuff and your death won’t be accidental.”
God love that girl.
"I heard that!" She shouts at my back as I head back to my room to get all my stuff together.
After saying goodbye to the evil cow, I make my way to the academy on foot. The Royal Dance Academy in London is my life it’s the school I’ve dreamt of attending from the age of six since my parents took me too one of their school productions. The way the dancers moved so fluent and effortlessly, I became obsessed and so I enrolled in every dance class I could growing up.
Apart from my love of dance my life is pretty simple except when it comes to my parents. Paul and Alison Whitbury are the epitome of old English money my father is the CEO of the Whitbury newspaper. The company was my grandfathers. He died twelve years ago so my father inherited the business, why he left it my father I don’t know because he was never interested in it. Well I do know it's obviously the money and the status of owning such a well known company brings to him and my mother.
My father thinks I should help him run the business for when he hands it down to me. I know he just wants me do the paperwork so he can soak up all the glory and do nothing at all but write out his own wage slips. Well I’m sorry but I’ve got news for you Daddy I don’t want the business, and when I told them I was going to the Dance Academy after college instead of going to Oxford or Cambridge my mother cried her eyes out, whilst my father was mad as you can imagine.
My father delivered the final blow.
“Either you go to university for a real degree or the bank of Whitbury’s wallet is closed to you and you can find another way to fund that ridiculous lifestyle of yours.”
Jeez that was harsh.
They don’t understand it’s my life and I want to do what makes me happy and that I would like their support. I know if my grandad was here now he'd be doing anything to help me achieve my dream. It doesn’t look like I'm gonna get any of that from him or my mother, and I don’t think they will ever fully believe in me.
My parent's think their daughter having some fancy degree, she absolutely doesn't want will give them more respect and social status with their fancy stuck up their own arse friends.
That was four years ago and ever since then I’ve been working my butt off in Gray’s bar to pay my way through the academy. That and teaching young kids to dance. It’s not the best situation but it can’t be help at the minute, I don’t mind because I’m doing it all by myself without my parents help, even if I have to live off beans on toast or pot noodles for a while. And keeping up with the latest fashion is just not on my list of priorities. Simple fact is I’m working towards my dream, a dream I’ve every intention of achieving.
No one and nothing will stand in my way.
Never apologize to others for their misunderstanding of who you are.
Chapter 2
“What the fuck!” I seethed at Clint our band manager.
“I don’t want fucking dancers on the tour.” He just stands there and takes my shit knowing full well he’s going to get his way.
“Listen Connor, this is your comeback tour and we need to make it as entertaining as possible, the band has a lot riding on this tour, you’ve got a lot riding on this, you’re the one who's reputation is in tatters right now and we need to bring the numbers in on this one mate which means we need to do something completely different.” He said all that with a slimy smile plastered on his face.
I can see the pound signs in his eyes already.
If it wasn't for the fact that he was bloody good at his job I would of fired his slimy ass a long time ago. If he thinks me and the other guy's don't know where he sneaks off to every other night then he's just as thick as he is slimy.
He’s right though, I fucked up, I’m lucky the band didn’t kick my ass to the curb. I had let them down in the worst way possible way.
But they didn’t they stood by me and helped me through it.
“Look I’m not saying you need to have a stage full of dancers just three or four to give the show some extra umph.” He added with a fist pump in the air making his shirt and suit jacket stretch across his wide shoulders.
Taking a deep breath in and out whilst running through my head all the reasons why I should be telling Clint to take is umph and shove it up his arse. He stands there grinning knowing he’s got me by the balls.
I want this tour and I owe it to the guys. Just as I’m about to agree I hear.
“So you told him then Clinty boy?”
“What? You knew about this fucknut and you didn’t think to tell me?” Johnny was my best mate and one of the other band members along with Max and Liam but Johnny’s been with me since the beginning.
Coming to stand by the table that holds bottles of water in the conference room we were currently in he turns to me and laughs.
“Yeah I knew but I wasn’t going be the one to tell your moody arse you’ll be sharing the stage with some hot young sweaty piece of ass dancer, I value my balls to much and want to keep them thanks.”
Pinching the bridge of my nose I ask him.
“So you think it’s a good idea?"
With a smirk he says.
"Yeah I do, it’ll bring some...”
“I swear to god if you say it’ll bring some umph to the show I will kick you in the balls douchbag.” With a belly laugh he turns to leave the room and shrugs his shoulders with his arms wide open and shouts.
“Give it your best shot fucker but we both know you won’t. You love my hairy arse too much.” Laughing he carries on walking leaving me with a smirking Clint, the cocky twat knows I’m going to agree now Johnny’s had his penny’s worth.
So after much debate and with Clint talking at me and me just nodding along like that fucking nodding dog of the TV, he decided to hold auditions for dancers at London’s Royal Dance Academy apparently his sister is a teacher there and they seem to have spectacular dancers his words not mine.
The auditions are two weeks from now when the band gets back from all the promotional bollocks we have to do before any tour. That's part of the job I hate, anything to do with the press I try get out off.. but with me being the lead singer of the band it's impossible so I grit my teeth say very little when spoken to till it's all over.
When the meeting with Clint was finished I decided to check my phone. Two missed calls and a text.
Fuck... why today of all days. Rebecca. I unlock my phone and open the message dreading what I'm going see.
Beck's: Connor it's me I need to speak to you. I'm in a bad place again. And only you can help me. Please call me back.
B xx
I shove my phone back in my pocket. I'll ring her as soon as I get home. So I drive my baby my Maserati’ GranCabrio to my apartment in Mayfair and park in my allocated spot in the underground car park. Taking the lift to the top floor I couldn't help but wonder two things. If these dancers are going to be a serious problem and what the fuck Is wrong with Rebecca now.
Letting myself in, I quickly change into shorts and a t-shirt and hit the gym. I decide I
need to let off some steam before I ring her back and the gym is always a good place to start, and somehow pounding on the treadmill with Italobrothers – 'This is nightlife' blaring in my ears helps get rid of the frustration.
I take a bottle of water out the fridge by the breakfast bar after almost killing myself in the gym and sit on a stool taking a minute to reflect on the fact that less than twelve months ago I could have lost everything. Everything I’ve worked so hard for. I was sixteen when I moved out of my parents house and I discovered music, I’ve always loved and admired the work of The Pixies, Stone Roses and the LCD sound system they all do something different, that and the stuff I used to hear my grandad play when I was a kid.
Man I was hooked.
Not many people my age can say they actually love all the soul music from the 60’s and 70’s but I do and without all that inspiration I wouldn’t have achieved global success when I was just eighteen.
When at sixteen I’d seen and heard what most kids or people for that matter wouldn’t in a lifetime. I didn’t grow up with conventional parents, I didn’t have the latest trainers or games console but what I did have was a run down two bedroom terraced house in East London with the most selfish parents a kid could ask for.
Pollie and Trent Blackwood cared more about where the next bottle of vodka or their next fix to get high was coming from, than clothing their only child. If it wasn’t for my Grandad Jones my mums dad I wouldn’t have been fed, clothed or even attending school. He couldn’t help my mum my god he tried. The selfish bitch just didn’t want his help, but I was grateful for everything he did for me because without him I probably would have starved to death and wouldn’t be where I am today. Which brings me back to Rebecca...
When I met Rebecca she was going through the same with her parents. We would meet up at the local youth club just to hang out, we started smoking a bit of weed. When one day she turns up with something stronger... Cocaine.